Wednesday, January 16, 2013


The preschool I teach at, and that Taylor goes to has a neat option to stay after lunch and take a "special". Taylor takes a gardening class one day and does drama the other. She LOVES both classes and the sweet teachers she has. In December, her drama class did a Christmas play. Today, she got to bring home a carrot they grew in their garden up there. Here is a picture of her holding hers. We measured it when we got home. It was 11 inches (I taught her how to measure with a ruler, as she was wanting to use non-standard measurement). Then she washed it and used her kid knife to chop it up. She was so proud of that little thing!

Monday, January 14, 2013

My Sweet & Adorable Kids

The cutie patooties.

Going to try to keep up with this ; )

Let's see if I can keep up with this a  bit better this year.  I hope to use this to track our year, and keep any friends and family that don't facebook up to date.

As of today:
is about a month shy of 3.5
has started sounding out words, can write her name legibly when she's focused
has played her first season of Soccer and is ready for more
still naps about every other day, and naps hard when she does
thinks Caden is the greatest thing ever
goes to school 2 days a week and is the youngest in her PK-3 class
can ride a two wheeled scooter and asks when we can take her training wheels off her bike ; )

is 5.5
loves to read and is quite good at it
has completed 2 triathlons and 2 kids' runs
has played soccer, tee ball, and done swim team
does NOT nap anymore, though sometimes should ; )
thinks Taylor is a pretty awesome little sister
is in Kindergarten full days
can swing much higher than I am comfortable with

In the next two weeks, both kids will get signed up for spring tee ball, I will be hoping to catch up on my running (marathon in about 6 weeks), and we will hopefully be back on schedule after the holidays.

I managed my first time away from my little family alone.  Well, not fully alone.  My preschool send its teachers to conference annually to learn about being better at what we do.  It was stressful getting everything ready, the kids organized, meals planned, lunches figured out, knowing who was responsible for which kids when...  But that said, it was a great time and I learned a lot from a couple of my workshops.  I am glad to be home though!